Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Meganobz TO DONE!

Moving right along!  I finished my three Meganobz for my LVO list.  I am running four, but I have my old Kromlech Juggernaut that I can use without having to repaint an old metal MANz.

Plenty left for me to do, but I am pleased with my rate of progress.  We'll see how that holds up when I start the next Tankbusta squad.  Check out some pics!

I got sumfin for ya!
Standard load out of a Power Klaw and twin-linked shoota for MAN #1.

I might add a bit of flock to the base to break it up a little.  I have some small shrubs that look nice on the cracked earth.  I used a few different shades of blue on all the MANz, since I feel that Orks would just use whatever was laying around.  However, I am loving the Mephiston Red and I use it a lot on the contrasting details.

I'll open it...
Boss Meganob has two killsaws ready to chop open any tank on the battlefield.  I always do my Space Marine details as Blood Angels as a poke at my friend Big M, who got me into the hobby.

I like the way the wires turned out on the back.
Come out an' play!

Klaw and TL Shoota again.
practicing my checks

I love the skulls on the Bosspole

These new plastic Meganobs are a huge upgrade over the metal ones.  Great details.  Next on the list is another Trukk.  I also have Mad Dok Grotsnik in the works.  More posts incoming!  Thanks for checking it out.  Feel free to comment and if you like what you see, give me a follow.


  1. I'm loving the Mephiston Red on my Dark Angels as well, just as a spot colour. I see what you mean about breaking up the bases with some flock/foliage; I would usually be the first to suggest that. With these guys, I just don't know. The cracked effect already seems to break it up a bit and paint jobs are great. Would keeping it simple be better this time?

    1. I keep getting the advice to leave the bases alone, so I will leave the bases alone :) Thanks for checking it out!

  2. I would try out something on the base Mek, years ago I did a Vraks army & went with mud style bases that just looked flat, a little sprinkling of green flock here & there just seemed to make the model pop, but it your doing it just keep it to a little dab here & there.

    1. Oh no! Now I'm having doubts about the bases again! Lol. I was thinking something similar, but the Internetz might have talked me out of it. Maybe I'll just add it to one of them... Like a small bush or weed...

  3. Nice paint job, good looking orks with the blue armour!

    1. Thanks, Jaime. I really appreciate you stopping by the blog.

  4. Nice to see a Green Stamp of approval. In the base debate perhaps flock is too much? Perhaps some withered dead sticks? That way you're adding something else to the base so it isn;t just cracked earth but not something artificial like grass. Some dead twigs in either a paler or darker brown would add something without drawing too much attention away from the model.

    1. That's a great idea, Dave! I'll probably try it out without glue first. Thanks for the comment. :)
