Thursday, March 10, 2016

Close Combat Deff Dread

Welcome back!  I have been busy with work and school as usual, but I am now on spring break so I have been catching up on some hobby progress.  I am a part of the 1 Hour A Night group on Facebook to help me keep my hobby goals organized.  My commitment for this month is a project that I had in the back of my mind for a while, a Close Combat Deff Dread.  I had a few bits that I had picked up from a pal and decided to slap them on.
Mad Mek Screwbitz did some serious looting on this one.

I didn't glue in the lower jaw or the Saws so I could manipulate the model a bit better.  For some reason, I like to punish myself by assembling the whole thing and then trying to paint.
As usual, I use a lot of different blues for my Deff Skullz, thinking that they would just use whatever rather than try to color match at the hardware store.  I went back and forth on the Wraithknight sword trying to decide what colors to use.  I also struggled with the face.  My son suggested Green for the face like an Ork and that tied everything else together.

The colors are coming together.  I still need to do some justice to that Bloodthirster axe and fix some details.  More to come soon.  Comments always welcome!


  1. That's certainly one interesting model you've got there Mek & goes a long way to show that there is nothing that orks won't us.

    1. Thanks. I always say that every kit is an Ork kit!

  2. The green face is a great choice; it looks very orky. This thing is wicked, I'd love to know how he got hold of those weapons...

    1. Thanks, Marc. Hmmm... Perhaps a short story is in order?
