Thursday, April 9, 2015

Life Marches On

Hello, everyone.  It has been a while since my last post, and I feel kinda bad about it. #realworldproblems.  These last few weeks have been very hard for me.  On April 1st, my Father passed away.  He was in the hospital for CHF about a week prior to that and things went rapidly out of control.  During his last hospital stay, he was to be placed in Hospice care, but that didn't work out.
Dad's Dakka-jet 2.0

My relationship with my father wasn't the best.  We were very different people interested in very different things.  Growing up, there was a lot of anger in my house, mostly his.  When my parents split up, it was a change for the better, for me at any rate.  Those of you who have read this blog for a while remember that I designed and built a Dakka-Jet from scratch with my dad as a way to create some sort of positive relationship with him.  I'm not sure how much headway we made.  Our relationship changed as we both grew older.
Dad's Dakka-jet 1.0
 I would like to think that I changed him for the good, but I'm not sure how much of an impact I had.  There is way too much to say about it for a tiny hobby blog to contain.  There is still a lot to do, a lot of little loose ends to tie up for my brother and I. 


This is a hobby blog and I wanted to give an update on where I'm at.  I did manage to finish the 10 Stormboyz for the IC's 2015 Hobby Progress Challenge.
Number 10 is hiding behind the Nob!
For my April commitment I plan on painting the Dakka-Pod.  I am going to go for a looted Blood Angels pod since my buddy Mike plays that army and I want to see the look on his face.  I also picked up a Mek-Gunz kit to better judge the size of my scratch builds.
Thanks to everyone for checking on the blog.  I really appreciate everything.  I will try to get back to a regular posting schedule (once a week at least) once everything else calms down a bit.  Wish me luck and thanks for reading.


  1. I am sorry to hear your bad news. These things are always difficult, even when the relationship has not always been positive. I hope you get throught it all ok

    1. Thanks,NafNaf. Sorry for the late reply but just know that I appreciate the kind thoughts and good wishes. Thank you.

  2. Hang in there mate :-( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time.

    1. Thank you Marc. The good will that my blogesphere friends have shown me has been a tremendous help. Thank You.

  3. Sincerest condolences my friend :/

    1. Thank you, Benjamin. I appreciate the condolences.

  4. Sad news indeed. Well done for keeping busy and doing stuff though!

    1. Thanks fettFace. I usually try to bury myself in some project as a way of handling my grief, but this time it was mostly at work for the initial weekend after. I appreciate the comment.

  5. Indeed no matter how bad it was at the end of the day he was still your Dad my condolences mate.

    1. Thank you Frank. That is the heart of the matter; no matter what he was still my Dad. I appreciate the good will.

  6. So sorry to hear! Condolences to you and your family!

    1. Thank you Greg. I appreciate the Condolences. LVO next year for sure, you and I will grab a beer, toast my Dad and share Ork stories!

  7. My sincere condolences! My father passed in a similar way, though it's been close to seven years now. I still think about him every day. These men are the mold we use to shape our own lives - and in a sense, that means their legacy is still with us.
