Saturday, November 8, 2014

'Ard Boyz Trukk Squad. (Ork Painting)

I finally finished the 12 man squad of 'Ard Boyz led by Boss Nob Grimjaw.  This mob will eventually be 30 figures strong to go into my Green Tide list as part of my 2014/2015 challenge.  I am very happy with how they came out.  The next 30 man unit will have a different scheme sticking to the fluff of Mad Mek Screwbitz folding all of the various tribes under his control.  Enough talk! PICS!

Grimjaw himself.
All I have left to do is seal them with a matte finish and then add some flock the bases.
The test model fits in perfectly.
I used sodium bicarbonate for the texture on the base.  I don't think the pictures do it justice, however.  I don't like regular sand because the scale seems weird to me.
I call the one on the left Jordi la Ork.
I used Skorne Red from P3 to do the loin-cloths and gloves.
All in all, I think they came out pretty good.  They look good from three feet out which is important.  Speed painting eludes me because I see a buckle or a strap and I want to paint it.  The details on the GW models are so good, it seems a shame to rush past them.  I have a lot left to do, but I think I'll focus on finishing the Gorkanaut first.  Thanks for checking it out.  Feel free to leave comments and suggestions!


  1. Awesome! Great job getting these finished. I have the same trouble painting my Nids, I know I can speed paint them but I end up spending ages on the detail.

    1. Details make me happy. At the end of the day, if you enjoy how it looks you win. Thanks for the comments.

  2. The great thing about those guys is if they don't do the business on the 40k table you can throw them into a bloodbowl team lol, nice work mate.

  3. Looking great! Looking forward to the gorkanaut!!!!

    1. Thanks, Greg. I have the base coat and first wash done. First time painting a large model.

  4. Great work my friend :) I love your stuff !!

    1. Thanks, Benjamin! My goal is to get as good as all of you who check out my blog. I really appreciate the support.
