Friday, January 29, 2016

LVO Big Mek Stompa Orks - TO DONE!

With less than a week before I head to the Las Vegas Open, I finished painting my army.  1850 points of Orks are now ready to do battle.  I rushed a few of the things, but it is easily tabletop quality so I won't worry about it.  I plan on adding some rust to the Stompa but other than that I don't thing that I will pick up a paint brush this next week (or maybe I will work on some objective markers...)

The army is built around Big Mek Buzzgob's Kustom Big Mek Stompa.  In the old IA8 rules you can take a Big Mek Stompa for a huge discount in points if you take Buzzgob as your Lord of War.  The Stompa has a Strength D Klaw for close combat, a Strength 10 AP1 Massive blast (7"), the Lifta-Droppa, 3 big shootas, and the Eye of Gork which is a ranged D weapon.  The most important part, however is the d6 power fields that work the same way as a void-shield generator.  This gives the Stompa a chance to survive an alpha strike from grav.

Inside the Stompa I run a Big Mek with the Mega Force Field giving a 4+ invul to the Stompa from shooting attacks.  Also a unit of 10 Lootas take advantage of the 10 fire points on the Stompa.
Picture is soooo bright!
 The next major element of the list is a Bike-star with Zhadsnark Da' Rippa.  Zhadsnark, a Warboss with the Big Bosspole, a Nob with a Klaw, a Painboy and 10 Warbikers.  This unit hits hard and shoots fantastic.  With the Warbikes bonus to jink after turbo-boosting plus skilled rider from Zhadsnark you get a 2+ jink save most of the time.  Things that ignore cover eat the bike squad but that's the breaks I guess.  This unit is great.  I once used it to kill a Brass Scorpion in close combat and still had Zhadsnark survive! (He was the only one and had one wound left).

Two units of Tankbustas in Trukks add even more Dakka to the list.  I also have two units of grots to bubble wrap and grab objectives in my deployment zone.  Grots work well close to the Stompa because all units within 6" of it gain fearless.

I round off the list with 2, 3 man Biker squads to grab objectives and rush to the opposite side of the board.  I was planning on using some warbuggies but during testing I was underwhelmed.

Wish me luck at LVO!  I am not really a tournament player, but my friends convinced me to do the Champs so I will have to give it my best shot.  If you recognize me at the event, feel free to say hello. I will post my experiences once I return.


  1. Well done, that is quite a haul to get finished on a short deadline! Man, I hate Orks on bikes. I treat each one like a tank: a target for twin-linked lascannon spam :-) Good luck with them, I hope they score you lots of teef.

    1. Twin-linked lascannon spam! Yikes! I think you are having 5th edition flash backs of Nob Bikerz, lol. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Looking good Mek, happy hunting next weekend.

    1. Thanks, Frank. As long as I am not in last place I will be happy. :)

  3. Awesome accomplished work, and "kollection" my friend :) I'm very busy to finish my Big Mek Stompa, I hope to be free in the future.

    Great Mad !! ;)

    1. I can't wait to see yours. Mine was a bit of a rush job. The work you have been doing is incredible.

  4. Looking really good. Bet of luck!
