Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2015

The new 2015/2016 Hobby Season is here!

Ahhh!  The new season approaches!  The end of Summer is coming ever closer,  Christmas decorations are already showing up at the major stores, and the string of 100+ degree weather is now nothing but a sweaty memory.  Autumn is coming and there is a sweet smell in the air.  The smell of super glue and acrylic paint that gently wafts on the breeze tells us that a new hobby season is here!

Hello!  Thank you to all of the wonderful people who check out my blog.  For those of you who have just found it, here is a big thanks as well:  THANKS!  Last time, I wrapped up my year in hobby as a part of the Dave Weston 2014/2015 Hobby Season To Do List.  Now it is time for me to make some commitments for the upcoming season.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

2014/2015 Hobby Season Results

Its that time already!  An entire year has passed and many models have been built and painted.  I have been checking out everyone's progress in the Dave Weston 2014/2015 Hobby Season To Do, and I have been really impressed!  Great job to everyone who is waging war against grey plastic.  The more models we paint the better!  Thank you to everyone that has been following along.  It got a little choppy for me after my father died, but I think I am finally getting back into the swing of things (I know I have said that before!).  Let's check out my list verses what I accomplished:

Saturday, July 4, 2015

What I did on my Summer Vacation

I'm back after a long break from work and hobby.  Well, I have worked since my last post... and I did do a little bit of hobby stuff.  I just failed my blog check or something (natural 1!).  I have a lot to cover from the past month so I better get cracking!
Patriotic for the 4th of July?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Painting Warhammer 40k Orks in 7th Edition 40k Battle Report style. WAAGH! (or; how to leverage keywords).

It sure has been a while.  Sorry to be gone so long.  Thanks for checking in on me.  So. What's new? Me? Well, Uhhhhh.... Hmmm....  Oh!  I have been working, slowly, on my May commitment for the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge.  I almost forgot what it was it has been so long.

2.5 because I base coated that guy a while back.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Getting back into the swing of things.

A big thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  It has been a very unreal experience for me but I feel like I have been getting back into a "normal" rhythm.  I have been slowly keeping up with my IC's Hobby Progress Challenge commitment, which is the Dakka Pod for the month of April.  Other than that...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hobby Progress Challenge Progress . . . or Painting Stormboyz

I have been steadily painting a bit here and there on my March commitment to the Independent Characters 2015 Hobby Progress Challenge.  10 Stormboyz have been mostly base-coated and really just need some wash and some detail.  I did miss a bit of time over the weekend, but I have until the 31st to finish, and I only have 6 to go.  Way easier than those pesky Dark Eldar!
This is like 30% finished!

Monday, January 5, 2015

2014: Hobby year in review

Hello Friends!  A new year has begun and I was inspired a bit by fettFace over on Back on the Battlewagon to do a review of my blog over the past year.  I also wanted to take a peak at where I stand on my 2014/2015 Hobby goals and decide if I want to scrap anything or add anything.  Time to break out the Way Back Machine and take a look at the Mad Mek's year!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

From the Ashes... Dakkajet! (or maybe a Blitza-Bommer)

A few months ago, my Dad and I collaborated on a scratch built Dakkajet.

This project was really fun, but there were a few problems.  One, the model was way too big. Two, the model was way to heavy for the base.  These flaws led to the incident.  When my buddy Big M. and I were moving the gaming table, Dad's Dakkjet tumbled onto the floor and broke.  I was pretty bummed when it happened, but adversity breeds triumph.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Gorkanaut Painting (Quick Update 2)

Happy Thanksgiving!  I am plugging away at the Gorkanaut, and I have the pilot finished.  The rest is coming along pretty well.  I have been experimenting a lot. Anyway, here's the pic:

Balancing on an extra bit.

And a few more:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gorkanaut painting (Super Quick Update)

I have fallen a bit behind on my posts and my hobby progress.  I started a new job and have been going through the training program.  Luckily I don't have to travel out of town for training, so that helps a bit.  I also have family in from out of town, so the room I usually use to paint and do homework is unavailable to me.  I have still been making a little progress, but not as much as I would like.  I'll try to keep up with my hour a night approach to start making some real headway.  Here's a small taste of my current painting project.

 Thanks for checking it out. MORE TO COME! 

Friday, October 31, 2014

7th Edition Orks versus 7th Edition Dark Eldar (LVO Practice)

My friend Zeus is getting ready for the Las Vegas Open (LVO) and wanted to try out a few things from the new Dark Eldar Codex.  I haven't been able to play for a while so I jumped at the chance to unload some dakka into the spiky elves.
WARNING! Blurry phone photos inbound!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Once the leader of his own small tribe, Boss Nob Grimjaw soon fell under the sway of Mad Mek Screwbitz.  Leading his 'Ard Boyz, Grimjaw always wants to be where the fighting is fiercest.  Warboss Gorbachop has a great fondness for Grimjaw's brutal nature, but keeps a close eye on his ambition.  Grimjaw's face was mostly destroyed during a battle with chaos marines and has taken to wearing a metal mask to keep it from happening again.  His 'Ard Boys all tend to wear metal jaws as symbol of their loyalty to Grimjaw.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This is a test...

I have been trying to get a little bit of painting done every night.  I am still pretty new at it, but I want to push myself to get better.  This is a test from Grimjaw's 'Ard boyz, the first mob in my Green tide list.  There will be 29 boyz and Grimjaw himself. One of the boyz will have a big shoota.  Enough with the explaining!  Lets see some pics!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Somebody that you used to know"

Thanks Marc!  I love it!

Check out some awesome painting and fabulous conversions at Old School Gaming!  Some really cool things with Photoshop and minis.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Screwbitz... To (Mostly) Done

Da Mad Mek Screwbitz.  Scourge of Chrysos VII.  Blessed by Mork (and possibly Gork).  Visionary. Leader of the Klanz.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Off we go ...

I finished 3 exams over the last few days and quite a bit of homework.  My schedule also changed at work so it has been a hectic couple of weeks.  I did manage to get a little bit of hobby time in as a reward to passing all of my exams.  One of my favorite things in the codex are Dakkajets so I decided to build me another one!  I started with this:

And turned it into:

Friday, September 5, 2014


 WOO HOO!  I squeezed in some painting in between homework (ugggh I'm a grown up! Why do I have homework again?) and managed to finish this creepy tooth monster.  This is the Gnaw from Kromlech and I love it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Loads of stuffs

Busy week for Da Mad Mek!  I started taking classes online to finally finish my degree.  Also, my boss quit and moved away so I am having to split his workload with the other manager.  Little time left for hobby progress but I wanted to give a bit of an update.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

2014/15 Hobby Season. ORKZ ROOL!


It is time for a new season of hobby progress.  There are many things that I want to do and I am excited for what the new year will bring.  This list is my attempt to mark some progress and celebrate successes.  This list will change throughout the year.  There are ideas I haven't had and thoughts I haven't thought.  This list will have both projects that excite me and scare me.  Tasks that I want to do and task that I will be reluctant to do but that are necessary for other progress.  I encourage all of you who read this to embark on your own journey and wage war on unpainted plastic, make magnificent models and have a lot of fun with a great hobby.